About Trace Sampling and Configuration¶
Using distributed tracing, you can observe how requests flow through various systems in a distributed system. Undeniably, it is very useful for understanding service connections, diagnosing latency issues, and providing many other benefits.
However, if most of your requests are successful and there are no unacceptable delays or errors, do you really need all this data? Therefore, you only need to achieve the right insights through appropriate data sampling rather than a large amount or complete data.
The idea behind sampling is to control the traces sent to the observability collector, thereby reducing collection costs. Different organizations have different reasons for sampling, including why they want to sample and what types of data they wish to sample. Therefore, we need to customize the sampling strategy:
- Cost Management: If a large amount of telemetry data needs to be stored, it incurs higher computational and storage costs.
- Focus on Interesting Traces: Different organizations prioritize different data types.
- Filter Out Noise: For example, you may want to filter out health checks.
It is important to use consistent terminology when discussing sampling. A Trace or Span is considered sampled or unsampled:
- Sampled: A Trace or Span that is processed and stored. It is chosen by the sampler to represent the overall data, so it is considered sampled.
- Unsampled: A Trace or Span that is not processed or stored. Because it was not selected by the sampler, it is considered unsampled.
What Are the Sampling Options?¶
Head Sampling¶
Head sampling is a sampling technique used to make a sampling decision as early as possible. A decision to sample or drop a span or trace is not made by inspecting the trace as a whole.
For example, the most common form of head sampling is Consistent Probability Sampling. This is also be referred to as Deterministic Sampling. In this case, a sampling decision is made based on the trace ID and the desired percentage of traces to sample. This ensures that whole traces are sampled - no missing spans - at a consistent rate, such as 5% of all traces.
The upsides to head sampling are: - Easy to understand - Easy to configure - Efficient - Can be done at any point in the trace collection pipeline
The primary downside to head sampling is that it is not possible to make a sampling decision based on data in the entire trace. This means that while head sampling is effective as a blunt instrument, but it is completely insufficient for sampling strategies that must consider information from the entire system. For example, you cannot ensure that all traces with an error within them are sampled with head sampling alone. For this situation and many others, you need tail sampling.
Tail Sampling (Recommended)¶
Tail sampling is where the decision to sample a trace takes place by considering all or most of the spans within the trace. Tail Sampling gives you the option to sample your traces based on specific criteria derived from different parts of a trace, which isn’t an option with Head Sampling.
Some examples of how to use tail sampling include:
- Always sampling traces that contain an error
- Sampling traces based on overall latency
- Sampling traces based on the presence or value of specific attributes on one or more spans in a trace; for example, sampling more traces originating from a newly deployed service
- Applying different sampling rates to traces based on certain criteria, such as when traces only come from low-volume services versus traces with high-volume services
As you can see, tail sampling allows for a much higher degree of sophistication in how you sample data. For larger systems that must sample telemetry, it is almost always necessary to use Tail Sampling to balance data volume with the usefulness of that data.
There are three primary downsides to tail sampling today:
- Tail sampling can be difficult to implement. Depending on the kind of sampling techniques available to you, it is not always a “set and forget” kind of thing. As your systems change, so too will your sampling strategies. For a large and sophisticated distributed system, rules that implement sampling strategies can also be large and sophisticated.
- Tail sampling can be difficult to operate. The component(s) that implement tail sampling must be stateful systems that can accept and store a large amount of data. Depending on traffic patterns, this can require dozens or even hundreds of compute nodes that all utilize resources differently. Furthermore, a tail sampler might need to “fall back” to less computationally intensive sampling techniques if it is unable to keep up with the volume of data it is receiving. Because of these factors, it is critical to monitor tail-sampling components to ensure that they have the resources they need to make the correct sampling decisions.
- Tail samplers often end up as vendor-specific technology today. If you’re using a paid vendor for Observability, the most effective tail sampling options available to you might be limited to what the vendor offers.
Finally, for some systems, tail sampling might be used in conjunction with Head Sampling. For example, a set of services that produce an extremely high volume of trace data might first use head sampling to sample only a small percentage of traces, and then later in the telemetry pipeline use tail sampling to make more sophisticated sampling decisions before exporting to a backend. This is often done in the interest of protecting the telemetry pipeline from being overloaded.
Insight currently recommends using tail sampling and prioritizes support for tail sampling.
The tail sampling processor samples traces based on a defined set of strategies. However, all spans of a trace must be received by the same collector instance to make effective sampling decisions.
Therefore, adjustments need to be made to the Global OpenTelemetry Collector architecture of Insight to implement the tail sampling strategy.
Specific Changes to Insight¶
Introduce an Opentelemetry Collector Gateway component with load balancing capabilities in front of
the insight-opentelemetry-collector
in the Global cluster, allowing the same group of Traces to be
routed to the same Opentelemetry Collector instance based on the TraceID.
Deploy an OTEL COL Gateway component with load balancing capabilities.
If you are using Insight V0.25.x, you can quickly enable this by using the Helm Upgrade parameter
--set opentelemetry-collector-gateway.enabled=true
, thereby skipping the deployment process described below.Refer to the following YAML to deploy the component.
Click to view deployment configuration
kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: insight-otel-collector-gateway rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["endpoints"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: insight-otel-collector-gateway namespace: insight-system --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: insight-otel-collector-gateway roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: insight-otel-collector-gateway subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: insight-otel-collector-gateway namespace: insight-system --- kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/component: opentelemetry-collector app.kubernetes.io/instance: insight-otel-collector-gateway app.kubernetes.io/name: insight-otel-collector-gateway name: insight-otel-collector-gateway-collector namespace: insight-system apiVersion: v1 data: collector.yaml: | receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: http: jaeger: protocols: grpc: processors: extensions: health_check: pprof: endpoint: :1888 zpages: endpoint: :55679 exporters: logging: loadbalancing: routing_key: "traceID" protocol: otlp: # all options from the OTLP exporter are supported # except the endpoint timeout: 1s tls: insecure: true resolver: k8s: service: insight-opentelemetry-collector ports: - 4317 service: extensions: [pprof, zpages, health_check] pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp, jaeger] exporters: [loadbalancing] --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/component: opentelemetry-collector app.kubernetes.io/instance: insight-otel-collector-gateway app.kubernetes.io/name: insight-otel-collector-gateway name: insight-otel-collector-gateway namespace: insight-system spec: replicas: 2 selector: matchLabels: app.kubernetes.io/component: opentelemetry-collector app.kubernetes.io/instance: insight-otel-collector-gateway app.kubernetes.io/name: insight-otel-collector-gateway template: metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/component: opentelemetry-collector app.kubernetes.io/instance: insight-otel-collector-gateway app.kubernetes.io/name: insight-otel-collector-gateway spec: containers: - args: - --config=/conf/collector.yaml env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.name image: ghcr.m.daocloud.io/openinsight-proj/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:5baef686672cfe5551e03b5c19d3072c432b6f33 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 httpGet: path: / port: 13133 scheme: HTTP periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 1 name: otc-container resources: limits: cpu: '1' memory: 2Gi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 400Mi ports: - containerPort: 14250 name: jaeger-grpc protocol: TCP - containerPort: 8888 name: metrics protocol: TCP - containerPort: 4317 name: otlp-grpc protocol: TCP - containerPort: 4318 name: otlp-http protocol: TCP - containerPort: 55679 name: zpages protocol: TCP volumeMounts: - mountPath: /conf name: otc-internal serviceAccount: insight-otel-collector-gateway serviceAccountName: insight-otel-collector-gateway volumes: - configMap: defaultMode: 420 items: - key: collector.yaml path: collector.yaml name: insight-otel-collector-gateway-collector name: otc-internal --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: insight-opentelemetry-collector-gateway namespace: insight-system labels: app.kubernetes.io/component: opentelemetry-collector app.kubernetes.io/instance: insight-otel-collector-gateway app.kubernetes.io/name: insight-otel-collector-gateway spec: ports: - name: fluentforward protocol: TCP port: 8006 targetPort: 8006 - name: jaeger-compact protocol: UDP port: 6831 targetPort: 6831 - name: jaeger-grpc protocol: TCP port: 14250 targetPort: 14250 - name: jaeger-thrift protocol: TCP port: 14268 targetPort: 14268 - name: metrics protocol: TCP port: 8888 targetPort: 8888 - name: otlp protocol: TCP appProtocol: grpc port: 4317 targetPort: 4317 - name: otlp-http protocol: TCP port: 4318 targetPort: 4318 - name: zipkin protocol: TCP port: 9411 targetPort: 9411 - name: zpages protocol: TCP port: 55679 targetPort: 55679 selector: app.kubernetes.io/component: opentelemetry-collector app.kubernetes.io/instance: insight-otel-collector-gateway app.kubernetes.io/name: insight-otel-collector-gateway
Configure Tail Sampling Rules
Tail sampling rules need to be added to the existing insight-otel-collector-config configmap configuration group.
Add the following content in the
section, and adjust the specific rules as needed, refer to the OTel official example......... tail_sampling: decision_wait: 10s # Wait for 10 seconds, traces older than 10 seconds will no longer be processed num_traces: 1500000 # Number of traces saved in memory, assuming 1000 traces per second, should not be less than 1000 * decision_wait * 2; # Setting it too large may consume too much memory resources, setting it too small may cause some traces to be dropped expected_new_traces_per_sec: 10 policies: # Reporting policies [ { name: latency-policy, type: latency, # Report traces that exceed 500ms latency: {threshold_ms: 500} }, { name: status_code-policy, type: status_code, # Report traces with ERROR status code status_code: {status_codes: [ ERROR ]} } ] ...... tail_sampling: # Composite sampling decision_wait: 10s # Wait for 10 seconds, traces older than 10 seconds will no longer be processed num_traces: 1500000 # Number of traces saved in memory, assuming 1000 traces per second, should not be less than 1000 * decision_wait * 2; # Setting it too large may consume too much memory resources, setting it too small may cause some traces to be dropped expected_new_traces_per_sec: 10 policies: [ { name: debug-worker-cluster-sample-policy, type: and, and: { and_sub_policy: [ { name: service-name-policy, type: string_attribute, string_attribute: { key: k8s.cluster.id, values: [xxxxxxx] }, }, { name: trace-status-policy, type: status_code, status_code: { status_codes: [ERROR] }, }, { name: probabilistic-policy, type: probabilistic, probabilistic: { sampling_percentage: 1 }, } ] } } ]
Activate the
in theotel col pipeline
within theinsight-otel-collector-config
configmap: -
Restart the
component. -
When deploying the insight-agent, modify the reporting address of the link data to the
port address of theotel-col