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Offline Install gpu-operator Driver on Ubuntu 22.04

Prerequisite: Installed gpu-operator v23.9.0+2 or higher versions

Prepare Offline Image

  1. Check the kernel version

    $ uname -r
  2. Check the GPU Driver image version applicable to your kernel, at Use the kernel to query the image version and save the image using ctr export.

    ctr i pull
    ctr i export --all-platforms driver.tar.gz 
  3. Import the image into the cluster's container registry

    ctr i import driver.tar.gz
    ctr i tag {your_registry}/
    ctr i push {your_registry}/ --skip-verify=true

Install the Driver

  1. Install the gpu-operator addon and set driver.usePrecompiled=true
  2. Set driver.version=535, note that it should be 535, not 535.104.12

Install Driver