Import Custom Helm Apps into Built-in Addons¶
This article explains how to import Helm appss into the system's built-in addons in both offline and online environments.
Offline Environment¶
An offline environment refers to an environment that cannot connect to the internet or is a closed private network environment.
- charts-syncer is available and running. If not, you can click here to download.
- The Helm Chart has been adapted for charts-syncer. This means adding a .relok8s-images.yaml file to the Helm Chart. This file should include all the images used in the Chart, including any images that are not directly used in the Chart but are used similar to images used in an Operator.
- Refer to image-hints-file for instructions on how to write a Chart. It is required to separate the registry and repository of the image because the registry/repository needs to be replaced or modified when loading the image.
- The installer's fire cluster has charts-syncer installed. If you are importing a custom Helm apps into the installer's fire cluster, you can skip the download and proceed to the adaptation. If charts-syncer binary is not installed, you can download it immediately.
Sync Helm Chart¶
Go to Container Management -> Helm Apps -> Helm Repositories , search for the addon, and obtain the built-in repository address and username/password (the default username/password for the system's built-in repository is rootuser/rootpass123).
Sync the Helm Chart to the built-in repository addon of the container management system
Write the following configuration file, modify it according to your specific configuration, and save it as sync-dao-2048.yaml .
source: # helm charts source information repo: kind: HARBOR # It can also be any other supported Helm Chart repository type, such as CHARTMUSEUM url: # Change to the chart repo URL #auth: # username/password, if no password is set, leave it blank #username: "admin" #password: "Harbor12345" charts: # charts to sync - name: dao-2048 # helm charts information, if not specified, sync all charts in the source helm repo versions: - 1.4.1 target: # helm charts target information containerRegistry: # image repository URL repo: kind: CHARTMUSEUM # It can also be any other supported Helm Chart repository type, such as HARBOR url: # Change to the correct chart repo URL, you can verify the address by using helm repo add $HELM-REPO auth: # username/password, if no password is set, leave it blank username: "rootuser" password: "rootpass123" containers: # kind: HARBOR # If the image repository is HARBOR and you want charts-syncer to automatically create an image repository, fill in this field # auth: # username/password, if no password is set, leave it blank # username: "admin" # password: "Harbor12345" # leverage .relok8s-images.yaml file inside the Charts to move the container images too relocateContainerImages: true
Run the charts-syncer command to sync the Chart and its included images
The expected output is:
I1222 15:01:47.119777 8743 sync.go:45] Using config file: "examples/sync-dao-2048.yaml" W1222 15:01:47.234238 8743 syncer.go:263] Ignoring skipDependencies option as dependency sync is not supported if container image relocation is true or syncing from/to intermediate directory I1222 15:01:47.234685 8743 sync.go:58] There is 1 chart out of sync! I1222 15:01:47.234706 8743 sync.go:66] Syncing "dao-2048_1.4.1" chart... .relok8s-images.yaml hints file found Computing relocation... Relocating dao-2048@1.4.1... Pushing Done Done moving /var/folders/vm/08vw0t3j68z9z_4lcqyhg8nm0000gn/T/charts-syncer869598676/dao-2048-1.4.1.tgz
Once the previous step is completed, go to Container Management -> Helm Apps -> Helm Repositories , find the proper addon, click Sync Repository in the action column, and you will see the uploaded Helm apps in the Helm template.
You can then proceed with normal installation, upgrade, and uninstallation.
Online Environment¶
The Helm Repo address for the online environment is . If the user does not have permission to add Helm Repo, they will not be able to import custom Helm appss into the system's built-in addons. You can add your own Helm repository and then integrate your Helm repository into the platform using the same steps as syncing Helm Chart in the offline environment.