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Install kubernetes-cronhpa-controller

The container copy timing horizontal autoscaling policy (CronHPA) can provide stable computing resource guarantee for periodic high-concurrency applications, and kubernetes-cronhpa-controller is a key component to implement CronHPA.

This section describes how to install the kubernetes-cronhpa-controller plugin.


In order to use CornHPA, not only the kubernetes-cronhpa-controller plugin needs to be installed, but also install the metrics-server plugin.


Before installing the kubernetes-cronhpa-controller plugin, the following prerequisites need to be met:


Refer to the following steps to install the kubernetes-cronhpa-controller plugin for the cluster.

  1. On the Clusters page, find the target cluster where the plugin needs to be installed, click the name of the cluster, then click Workloads -> Deployments on the left, and click the name of the target workload.

  2. On the workload details page, click the Auto Scaling tab, and click Install on the right side of CronHPA .

    Auto Scaling

  3. Read the relevant introduction of the plug-in, select the version and click the Install button. It is recommended to install 1.3.0 or later.


  4. Refer to the following instructions to configure the parameters.


    • Name: Enter the plugin name, please note that the name can be up to 63 characters, can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and separators ("-"), and must start and end with lowercase letters or numbers, such as kubernetes-cronhpa-controller.
    • Namespace: Select which namespace the plugin will be installed in, here we take default as an example.
    • Version: The version of the plugin, here we take the 1.3.0 version as an example.
    • Ready Wait: When enabled, it will wait for all associated resources under the application to be in the ready state before marking the application installation as successful.
    • Failed to delete: If the plugin installation fails, delete the associated resources that have already been installed. When enabled, Wait will be enabled synchronously by default.
    • Detailed log: When enabled, a detailed log of the installation process will be recorded.


    After enabling ready wait and/or failed deletion , it takes a long time for the application to be marked as "running".

  5. Click OK in the lower right corner of the page, and the system will automatically jump to the Helm Apps list page. Wait a few minutes and refresh the page to see the application you just installed.


    If you need to delete the kubernetes-cronhpa-controller plugin, you should go to the Helm Apps list page to delete it completely.

    If you delete the plug-in under the Auto Scaling tab of the workload, this only deletes the workload copy of the plug-in, and the plug-in itself is still not deleted, and an error will be prompted when the plug-in is reinstalled later.

  6. Go back to the Auto Scaling tab under the workload details page, and you can see that the interface displays Plug-in installed . Now it's time to start creating CronHPA policies.