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Knative Introduction

Knative provides a higher level of abstraction, simplifying and speeding up the process of building, deploying, and managing applications on Kubernetes. It allows developers to focus more on implementing business logic, while leaving most of the infrastructure and operations work to Knative, significantly improving productivity.


The Knative operator runs the following components.

knative-operator   knative-operator-58f7d7db5c-7f6r5      1/1     Running     0     6m55s
knative-operator   operator-webhook-667dc67bc-qvrv4       1/1     Running     0     6m55s

The Knative serving components are as follows.

knative-serving        3scale-kourier-gateway-d69fbfbd-bd8d8   1/1     Running     0                 7m13s
knative-serving        activator-7c6fddd698-wdlng              1/1     Running     0                 7m3s
knative-serving        autoscaler-8f4b876bb-kd25p              1/1     Running     0                 7m17s
knative-serving        autoscaler-hpa-5f7f74679c-vkc7p         1/1     Running     0                 7m15s
knative-serving        controller-789c896c46-tfvsv             1/1     Running     0                 7m17s
knative-serving        net-kourier-controller-7db578c889-7gd5l 1/1     Running     0                 7m14s
knative-serving        webhook-5c88b94c5-78x7m                 1/1     Running     0                 7m1s
knative-serving        storage-version-migration-serving-serving-1.12.2-t7zvd   0/1  Completed   0   7m15s
Component Features
Activator Queues requests (if a Knative Service has scaled to zero). Calls the autoscaler to bring back services that have scaled down to zero and forward queued requests. The Activator can also act as a request buffer, handling bursts of traffic.
Autoscaler Responsible for scaling Knative services based on configuration, metrics, and incoming requests.
Controller Manages the state of Knative CRs. It monitors multiple objects, manages the lifecycle of dependent resources, and updates resource status.
Queue-Proxy Sidecar container injected into each Knative Service. Responsible for collecting traffic data and reporting it to the Autoscaler, which then initiates scaling requests based on this data and preset rules.
Webhooks Knative Serving has several Webhooks responsible for validating and mutating Knative resources.

Ingress Traffic Entry Solutions

Solution Use Case
Istio If Istio is already in use, it can be chosen as the traffic entry solution.
Contour If Contour has been enabled in the cluster, it can be chosen as the traffic entry solution.
Kourier If neither of the above two Ingress components are present, Knative's Envoy-based Kourier Ingress can be used as the traffic entry solution.

Autoscaler Solutions Comparison

Autoscaler Type Core Part of Knative Serving Default Enabled Scale to Zero Support CPU-based Autoscaling Support
Knative Pod Autoscaler (KPA) Yes Yes Yes No
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) No Needs to be enabled after installing Knative Serving No Yes


Resource Type API Name Description
Services Automatically manages the entire lifecycle of Workloads, controls the creation of other objects, ensures applications have Routes, Configurations, and new revisions with each update.
Routes Maps network endpoints to one or more revision versions, supports traffic distribution and version routing.
Configurations Maintains the desired state of deployments, provides separation between code and configuration, follows the Twelve-Factor App methodology, modifying configurations creates new revisions.
Revisions Snapshot of the workload at each modification time point, immutable object, automatically scales based on traffic.